- Wood Log(原木)or Wood Stick(木棍)or Wood Plank(木板)
- Charcoal can be used to fuel fires in furnaces or barbeques. It can also be used in crafting gunpowder. It can be created by burning wood.
- 煤炭可以用來作為熔爐或烤肉架的燃料。它也可以用來作為火藥粉。它可以用燃燒的木頭製作。
Metal Bar(金屬條)
- 1 Scrap Metal(廢金屬)or 槍枝 or 損壞的工具(除了消防斧跟散彈槍)
- This can be used to make tools, weapons, and construction materials.
- 這可以用來製作工具、武器和建材。
Metal Bracket(金屬支架)
- 1 Scrap Metal(廢金屬)
- These brackets can be used in building structures.
- 這個支架可以用來作為建築材料。
Metal Shard(金屬片)
- 1 Scrap Metal(廢金屬)
- This can be used in crafting.
- 這可以用來製作。
Metal Sheet(金屬板)
- 2 Metal Bar(金屬條)
- Metal sheets can be used to make pipes for guns or blades for melee weapons.
- 金屬板可以用來製作槍管或者刀刃。
- 1 Metal Shard(金屬片)
- Nails can be used in constructing wood structures.
- 釘子可以用來建造木製品。
- 2 Metal Sheet(金屬板)
- Metal pipes can be used to create barrels for a variety of guns.
- 金屬管可以用來製作很多種槍的槍管。
Wood Plank(木板)
- 1 Wood Log(原木)
- This can be used to make structures, traps, and tools.
- 這個可以用來製作建物、陷阱和工具。
Wood Stick(木棍)
- 1 Wood Plank(木板)
- These can be used to make structures, traps, and tools.
- 這個可以用來製作建物、陷阱和工具。
Backpack Frame(背包架)
- 3 Wood Stick(木棍)
- 3 Nail(釘子)
- 3 Metal Bracket(金屬支架)
- This can be used in crafting to convert a crafted satchel into framed backpack. The framed backpack can hold more items.
- 這可以用來把做好的小背包變成登山背包。登山背包可以容納更多東西。
Framed Backpack(1200背包)
- 1 Backpack Frame(背包架)
- 8 Scrap of Cloth(碎布)
- 1 Spool of Twine(細線捲)
- This framed backpack will hold a great deal of items.
- 這個登山背包可以容納大量的物品。
- 6 Scrap of Cloth(碎布)
- This small satchel is worn on the back and will hold a few items.
- 這個小背包能夠背在背上並攜帶一些東西。
Bow Drill(取火器)
- 1 Scrap of Cloth(碎布)
- 1 Wood Stick(木棍)
- 1 Wood Plank(木板)
- This bow and drill will create glowing embers that can ignite a nearby campfire or furnace.
- 這個弓鑽可以製造一些能夠點燃附近營火或者熔爐的發光灰燼。
Ethanol Torch(乙醚火把)
- 1 Ethanol(乙醚)
- 1 Wood Stick(木棍)
- 1 Scrap of Cloth(碎布)
- Ethanol Torches burn with less smoke than a normal torch which may help in hiding your position.
- 乙醚火把燃燒時比一般的火把產生更少煙霧,所以可能能幫你隱藏住自己的位置。
- 1 Fertilizer(肥料)
- 1 Scrap of Cloth(碎布)
- 1 Packet of Sugar(糖包)
- When used this will drop to the ground and light up a small area for 15 minutes.
- 這可以用來丟在地上並照亮一小塊區域長達15分鐘。
Ground Tiller(耙子)
- 1 Wood Stick(木棍)
- 1 Metal Shard(金屬片)
- 1 Pipe(鐵管)
- This will till a small area on the ground allowing you to plant seeds in it.
- 這能夠犁一小塊區域以用於種植。
- 1 Wood Stick(木棍)
- 1 Metal Bar(金屬條)
- This hammer can be used as a weapon or to repair damaged structures.
- 這個鎚子可以用來當作武器或修理受損的建築。
Hand Shovel(小鏟子)
- 1 Metal Shard(金屬片)
- 1 Wood Stick(木棍)
- This shovel can be used once to dig up a small hole to stash a few items.
- 這個鏟子可以用來挖掘能夠藏一點東西的小洞。
Improvised Compass(應急指南針)
- 1 Metal Shard(金屬碎片)
- 1 Purified Water(淨水)
- This improvised compass will show you north. It can be dismantled to reclaim the water for drinking if necessary.
- 這個應急指南針可以告訴你哪裡是北方。如果需要飲用水時它也能被拆解回去。
Molotov Cocktail(汽油彈)
- 1 Empty Bottle(空瓶)
- 1 Scrap of Cloth(碎布)
- 1 Moonshine(雞尾酒)
- Molotov Cocktail.
- 莫托洛夫雞尾酒。
Smoke Flare(煙霧信號彈)
- 1 Fertilizer(肥料)
- 1 Scrap of Cloth(碎布)
- 1 Packet of Sugar(糖包)
- When used this smoke flare will burn and release highly visible smoke for around 10 minutes.
- 當使用這個煙霧信號彈的時候會燃燒並在10分鐘內釋放出明顯可見的濃煙。
- 1 Branch(樹枝)
- 1 Scrap of Cloth(碎布)
- 1 Animal Fat(動物脂肪)
- This torch can be used to light a small area. It can also be used as a weapon and will set many things on fire.
- 火把能夠用來照亮一小塊區域。它也能夠用來作為武器和給很多東西點火。
- 1 Wood Stick(木棍)
- 2 Metal Bar(金屬條)
- This wrench can be used as a weapon or to repair damaged vehicles.
- 這個扳手能夠用來作為武器或者維修受損的載具。
- 2 Scrap of Cloth(碎布)
- Gauze can be used to to gain a small amount of health and to stop bleeding.
- 紗布可以用來回覆一點生命值並止血。
First Aid Kid(急救包)
- 1 Bandage(繃帶)
- 1 Saline(食鹽水)
- First aid kids can be used to clean and dress wounds which will allow you to regain your health over time.
- 急救包可以用來清潔並包紮傷口,並會讓你隨著時間慢慢地恢復生命值。
- 1 Purified Water(淨水)
- 1 Salt Packet(鹽包)
- Saline can be combined with bandages to create first aid kit.
- 食鹽水能夠和繃帶合成為急救包。
- 1 Packet of Sugar(糖包)
- 1 All-in-One Cold Medicine(全效感冒藥)
- 1 Purified Water(淨水)
- This is crystalline substance that can bring on surges of energy.
- 這個晶狀物會讓人突然湧上一股能量。
Storage Container(儲物箱)
- 4 Wood Plank(木板)
- 1 Metal Bracket(金屬支架)
- 1 Nail(釘子)
- Extra items can be stored inside of this container. Anyone can access the container so be sure to place it somewhere safe.
- 多餘的東西能夠放在這個容器之內。每個人都能夠使用,所以請將它放置在安全的地方。
Basic Shack(小型木屋)
- 20 Wood Plank(木板)
- 10 Wood Stick(木棍)
- This simple shack can be placed on most flat terrain.
- 這個基本小屋能放置在平地上。
Basic Snack Door(小型木門)
- 5 Wood Stick(木棍)
- 3 Wood Plank(木板)
- This door can only fit inside of the basic shack doorway.[If not repaired this will fall apart after four weeks.]
- 這個門只能放在小型木屋的入口內側。[沒有維修的話4周後會倒下。]
Deck Foundation(鐵板地基)
- 4 Wood Log(原木)
- 8 Metal Bracket(金屬架)
- 16 Wood Plank(木板)
- 20 Nail(釘子)
- This deck is on wooden pillars and can be placed as a foundation to build structures upon.
- 這個地基是建立在木頭支架上,能夠在放置後作為建築物的根基。
Dew Collector(雨水收集器)
- 2 Wood Plank(木板)
- 1 Tarp(雨布)
- 2 Wood Stick(木棍)
- If an empty bottle is placed inside, this will slowly collect drinkable water.
- 如果裡面有空瓶子的話,它會慢慢地收集飲用水。
Large Shelter(大型避難所)
- 4 Metal Bracket(金屬支架)
- 8 Nail(釘子)
- 4 Wood Plank(木板)
- 4 Metal Sheet(金屬板)
- This can only be set on a placed foundation.
- 這只能被放置在地基上。
Metal Door(金屬門)
- 1 Metal Bracket(金屬支架)
- 2 Metal Sheet(金屬板)
- 2 Wood Plank(木板)
- This shed door can be placed in the shed doorway. [If not repaired this will fall apart after four weeks.]
- 這個棚門能被放在金屬棚的入口處。[沒有維修的話4周後會倒下。]
Metal Gate(金屬大門)
- 1 Metal Bracket(金屬支架)
- 2 Metal Sheet(金屬板)
- 2 Wood Plank(木板)
- This gate can only be set on a placed foundation.[If not repaired this will fall apart after four weeks.]
- 這個大門只能放在地基上。[沒有維修的話4周後會倒下。]
Metal Shed(金屬棚)
- 6 Metal Sheet(金屬板)
- 4 Wood Plank(木板)
- Metal Sheds can only be placed on a foundation.
- 金屬棚只能放在地基上。
Metal Wall(金屬牆)
- 2 Metal Sheet(金屬板)
- 2 Wood Plank(木板)
- This wall can only be set on a placed foundation.
- 這面牆只能放在地基上。
- 16 Nail(釘子)
- 2 Metal Sheet(金屬板)
- 8 Wood Plank(木板)
- This simple shack can be placed on most flat terrain.
- 這個簡易小屋能放置在平地上。
- 8 Nail(釘子)
- 2 Metal Sheet(金屬板)
- 4 Wood Plank(木板)
- This can only be set on a placed foundation.
- 這只能放置在地基上。
Small Shack(鐵製小屋-小)
- 4 Wood Plank(木板)
- 2 Metal bracket(金屬支架)
- 4 Nail(釘子)
- The simple shack can be placed on most flat terrain.
- 這個小型避難所能放置在平地上。
Structure Stairs(結構樓梯)
- 4 Metal bracket(金屬支架)
- 8 Wood Stick(木棍)
- 8 Nail(釘子)
- 8 Wood Plank(木板)
- This can only be set on a placed foundation.
- 這只能放置在地基上。
Wooden Barricade(木製障礙)
- 4 Nail(釘子)
- 2 Wood Plank(木板)
- Barricades can be placed to cover the windows of most residential homes.
- 障礙可以放置在多數住宅的窗戶上。
Wooden Door(木門)
- 2 Nail(釘子)
- 4 Wood Plank(木板)
- 2 Metal Bracket(金屬板)
- This door can fit inside of most shelter doorways. [If not repaired this will fall apart after four weeks.]
- 這個門能放在大部分避難所的入口內側。[沒有維修的話4周後會倒下。]
Barbed Wire(刺網)
- 4 Metal Shard(金屬片)
- 4 Wood Stick(木棍)
- Barbed wire can be placed and will damage anything that passes through it.
- 刺網放置後可以用來傷害任何通過它的東西。
Punji Sticks(尖刺陷阱)
- 8 Wood Stick(木棍)
- These sharpened sticks will damage whatever walks over them.
- 尖銳的木棍會刺傷所有踩過去的人。
- 1 Metal Bracket(金屬架)
- 8 Scrap Metal(廢金屬)
- This furnace can be used to melt down scrap metal into workable metal bits. Wood or charcoal must be in the furnace to ignite.
- 這個熔爐可以用來融化廢金屬並獲得可以用來加工的金屬。需要木頭或煤炭在熔爐裡才能點燃。
- 8 Scrap Metal(廢金屬)
- 3 Pipe(鐵管)
- A more permanent solution than a campfire. This barbeque can be reused many times. Requires wood logs or charcoal.
- 比營火更耐用。這個烤肉架可以重複使用許多次。需要原木或煤炭。
Animal Trap (動物陷阱)
- 1 Wood Stick (木棍)
- 4 Wood Plank (木板)
- 4 Nail(釘子)
- If left unattended this can capture small game animals and yield a small amount of raw meat.
- 放著不管的話可以捉到一些小動物並獲得一些生肉。
Other Items(其他物品)
- 1 Animal Fat(動物脂肪)
- This is enough biofuel to fill up a quarter of a tank.
- 這些生殖燃料足以填滿四分之一個油箱。
- 2 Wood Log(原木)
- This campfire can be used to cook food or light an area. It can be set on fire by hitting it with a torch or igniting it with a lighter.
- 這個營火可以用來煮東西或照亮區域。可以用火把打它或者用打火機點燃它。
Deer Scent(鹿香)
- 1 Deer Bladder(鹿膀胱)
- 1 Scrap of Cloth(碎布)
- Applying deer scent will assist you in sneaking up behind a deer for a few minutes.
- 塗抹鹿香可以讓你在數分鐘內能夠偷偷從鹿的背後靠近。
- ? Corn(玉米)
- 1 Purified Water(淨水)
- 1 Yeast(酵母)
- This can of ethanol will fill up half a tank.
- 這罐乙醚足以填滿半個油箱。
- 1 Charcoal(煤炭)
- 1 Fertilizer(肥料)
- Gunpowder can be used to create explosives.
- 火藥粉可以用來製作爆破物。
Rigged Light(探照燈)
- 1 Battery(蓄電池)
- 1 OffRoader Headlights(越野大燈)
- The car battery will be able to supply power to the headlight for quite a while.
- 汽車電池能夠提供電力給照明燈一陣子。
Bear Sandwich(熊肉三明治)
- 1 Bear Steak(熊排)
- ? Survival Bread(生存者麵包)
- This delicious sandwich will refill a great deal of energy.
- 這個好吃的三明治可以恢復大量的飢餓值。
Bear Steak(熊排)
- 1 Bear Meat(熊肉)
- Consuming this meat will replenish a great deal of energy.
- 吃下這塊肉可以恢復大量的飢餓值。
Blackberry Juice(黑莓汁)
- 5 Blackberry(黑莓)
- 1 Purified Water(淨水)
- Blackberry juice can restore a great deal of hydration and a small amount of energy.
- 黑莓汁可以舒緩大量的口渴值和少許的飢餓值。
Blackberry Pie(黑莓派)
- 5 Blackberry(黑莓)
- 1 Purified Water(淨水)
- 1 Flour(麵粉)
- This delicious pie will refill all energy and a good deal of hydration.
- 這個好吃的派可以恢復大量的飢餓值。
- 1 Ground Coffee(咖啡粉)
- 1 Purified Water(淨水)
- Drinking coffee will replenish your energy and hydration. It can also warm you up in cold climates.
- 喝咖啡能夠補充飢餓值和口渴值。也可以在寒冷的天氣下暖活身體。
Coffee With Sugar(加糖咖啡)
- 1 Coffee(咖啡)
- 1 Packet of Sugar(糖包)
- Coffee with sugar will replenish some stamina and a great deal of hydrationl. It can also warm you up in cold climates.
- 加糖咖啡能夠大量地補充口渴值和精力值。也可以在寒冷的天氣下暖活身體。
Cooked Rabbit(熟兔肉)
- 1 Rabbit Meat(兔肉)
- Cooked rabbit will give a decent amount of energy.
- 熟兔肉可以補充不少的飢餓值。
Corn Mash(玉米糊)
- ? Corn(玉米)
- 1 Purified Water(淨水)
- 1 Yeast(酵母)
- If placed out for a period of time this will ferment into moonshine.
- 放置一段時間不管就會發酵成私釀酒。
Deer Sandwich(鹿肉三明治)
- 1 Deer Meat(鹿肉)
- ? Survival Bread(生存者麵包)
- This delicious sandwich will refill a great deal of energy.
- 這個好吃的三明治可以恢復大量的飢餓值。
Deer Steak(鹿排)
- 1 Venison(鹿肉)
- Consuming this meat will replenish a great deal of energy.
- 吃下這塊肉可以恢復大量的飢餓值。
Deer Jerky(鹿肉乾)
- 1 Venison(鹿肉)
- 1 Salt Packet(鹽包)
- Consuming jerky will replenish a great deal of energy.
- 吃下這塊肉乾可以恢復大量的飢餓值。
- ? Wheat(小麥)
- Flour can be used to create survival bread and other recipes.
- 麵粉可以用來製作生存者麵包和其他的食譜。
Grilled Trout(烤鱒魚)
- ? Trout(鱒魚)
- This is trout and it is grilled.
- 這是一條烤過的鱒魚。
Rabbit Sandwich(兔肉三明治)
- 1 Rabbit Meat(兔肉)
- ? Survival Bread(生存者麵包)
- This delicious sandwich will refill a great deal of energy.
- 這個好吃的三明治可以恢復大量的飢餓值。
Rabbit Stew(燉兔肉)
- 1 Cooked Rabbit(熟兔肉)
- 1 Purified Water(淨水)
- 1 Salt Packet(鹽包)
- Rabbit stew will replenish a good deal of energy and hydration.
- 熟兔子可以補充不少的飢餓值和口渴值。
Purified Water(淨水)
- 1 Dirty Water(髒水)
- This purified water is safe to drink and provides a good deal of hydration. This is the only water safe enough to cook with.
- 這罐淨水能夠很安全的飲用並恢復大量的口渴值。這是唯一一種足夠安全到能夠用來烹煮的水。
Roasted Corn(烤玉米)
- ? Corn(玉米)
- Consuming this will replenish a good deal of energy.
- 吃下這個可以恢復大量的飢餓值。
Survival Borscht(生存者甜菜湯)
- 1 Purified Water(淨水)
- 1 Salt Packet(鹽包)
- 1 Roels Sliced Beets(切片甜菜)
- Borscht will replenish a small amount of energy and a great deal of hydration.
- 甜菜湯可以恢復小量的飢餓值和大量的口渴值。
Survival Bread(生存者麵包)
- 1 Purified Water(淨水)
- ? Flour(麵粉)
- Eating survival bread will give a good deal of energy. It can also be combined with meats.
- 吃下生存者麵包可以回覆不少的飢餓值。它也能和其他肉類一起使用。
Wolf Sandwich(狼肉三明治)
- 1 Wolf Meat(狼肉)
- ? Survival Bread(生存者麵包)
- This delicious sandwich will refill a great deal of energy.
- 這個好吃的三明治可以恢復大量的飢餓值。
Wolf Steak(狼排)
- 1 Wolf Meat(狼肉)
- Consuming this meat will replenish a great deal of energy.
- 吃下這塊肉可以恢復大量的飢餓值。
Yeast Starter(酵母菌元)
- 1 Purified Water(淨水)
- 1 Packet of Sugar(糖包)
- ? Wheat(小麥)
- This yeast starter will ferment into yeast after being set out for a period of time.
- 這塊酵母菌元再放置一段時間後會發酵成酵母。
Combat Knife(戰鬥刀)
- 1 Wood Stick(木棍)
- 1 Metal Sheet(金屬板)
- This can be used as a weapon or to harvest meat from wildlife.
- 這可以用來作為武器或收割野生動物的肉。
- 2 Wood Plank(木板)
- 2 Metal Sheet(金屬板)
- This can be used as a weapon or to harvest meat from wildlife.
- 這可以用來作為武器或收割野生動物的肉。
Makeshift Bow(應急弓)
- 1 Scrap of Cloth(碎布)
- 1 Wood Stick(木棍)
- This bow, along with arrows, will provide offense at range.
- 這個弓能和箭一起提供遠距離的攻擊。
Makeshift Hatchet(應急手斧)
- 1 Wood Stick(木棍)
- 1 Scrap Metal(廢金屬)
- This can be used as a weapon or to harvest meat from wildlife.
- 這可以用來作為武器或收割野生動物的肉。
No Brainer(去腦器)
- 1 Metal Bar(金屬條)
- 1 Pipe(鐵管)
- This is the obvious choice in zombie medulla oblongata removal.
- 這很顯然是移除殭屍腦髓的優秀選擇。
- 3 Torch(火把)
- 1 Wood Spear(木矛)
- 1 Duct Tape(牛皮膠帶)
- Have you ever felt that urge to go on Reddit and rage at the developers? Did you try to use both a pitchfork and torch, ending up in piercing and burning your feet? Grab Nanite Systems' latest TorchFork model instead!
- 你有沒有衝上Reddit然後對開發者發怒的衝動啊?你有沒有拿起乾草叉和火把,結果最後戳到並燒到你的腳呢?試著抓起Nanite系統的火把叉做代替品吧!
Wood Spear(木矛)
- 1 Branch(樹枝)
- 1 Metal Shard(金屬片)
- This spear can be used as a melee weapon or thrown.
- 這個矛可以用來當作近戰武器或者投擲出去。
Wooden Arrow(木箭)
- 1 Wood Stick(木棍)
- These makeshift arrows can pierce soft targets and do high damage with headshots.
- 這些應急箭矢可以刺穿柔軟的目標並爆頭。
Wooden Bow(木弓)
- 2 Wood Stick(木棍)
- 1 Spool of Twine(細線捲)
- 1 Scrap of Cloth(碎布)
- This bow, along with arrows, will provide offense at range.
- 這個弓能和箭一起提供遠距離的攻擊。
- 1 Land Mine(地雷)
- 1 Scrap of Cloth(碎布)
- This short fused IED will detonate in 15 seconds after being lit by a lighter.
- 這個短引信的IDE會在被打火機點燃15秒之後爆炸。
Land Mine(地雷)
- 1 Metal Shard(金屬片)
- 1 Metal Sheet(金屬板)
- 1 Gunpowder(火藥)
- After a five second arming time, this will explode when something is within 2 meters doing massive damage.
- 在經過5秒的啟動時間之後,這個將會爆破並對半徑2公尺內造成巨大的傷害。
- 1 Metal Shard(金屬片)
- 1 Metal Sheet(金屬板)
- This trap will close on it's prey when they step on the pressure plate. It will close on them doing damage and slow their movement.
- 當有獵物踏到壓力板時這個陷阱會合起來。它在緊閉時會造成傷害並減緩速度。